Who is KDG?

Hello! I am Katharine Delo Gregg. I recently moved to Seattle, Washington from Washington, DC with my husband, daughter, dog and cat.  I am a native East Coaster, 40-something mom, former law and policy wonk, navigating a new hometown and a new professional landscape. Behind the scenes I am a writer, lover of the ocean, world traveller, and obsessive compulsive reader.

I am not a fashionista, I am a fashion realist – I win some and lose some. Over the years I have experimented with different styles – sometimes valued quantity over quality, preferred one of a kind pieces, worn a plaid flannel shirt, jeans and bucks to college parties, owned 20 ball gowns just because, invested in pieces whose quality is so beyond I’ve worn them for 20 years, and gone out on the town fully ensembled and accessorized but only wearing mascara and 2 day old dry shampooed hair. These days, I know what suits me best, but I still color outside the lines when the mood strikes!

What I love more than anything is working with other women and men to make them feel amazing in their clothes. Helping people stray just enough out of their comfort zone. Sharing the joy of holding up a dress and remembering all the wonderful memories you made in it. Because that is what makes a piece of clothing beautiful – how you wear it, where you wear it, and what you did wearing it.

I hope you find that this blog meets you where you are in life, gives you some food for thought, inspiration or perhaps some light lunchtime entertainment. I invite you to write comments on the different posts to let me know what you think. If there are particular fashion dilemmas, clothing searches or styling etiquette questions you may have, please feel free to share! I love feedback of any kind!!

One comment

  1. Eliza Lauritzen

    Hello, KDG. Do you have a mother and if you do how does she dress? Do you ever have to (ahem) speak to her about her clothes? And why?
    What are the ages you enjoy helping with your service? Where do they begin and at what age do they taper off?

    Thanks, Concerned Mom


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